4.5.50 Travel expenses Assess request for travel expenses | Taxi billing | Indexation of travel or accommodation expenses

WorkSafe can reimburse reasonable travel expenses incurred by a worker to attend:

Travel expenses are expenses for travel by:

  • private motor vehicle
  • public transport
  • taxi or a ride share service driven by an accredited driver
  • road ambulance
  • air ambulance
  • air travel.

WorkSafe can pay for the reasonable costs of a medical and like expense where a worker is entitled to provisional payments on a claimed mental injury.

See: 6.5 Provisional payments for a mental injury

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Refer to policy and fee schedule for Travel Expenses for medical and hospital services and medical reviews, including information about:

  • what an Agent can pay
  • whether prior approval is required
  • invoicing information
  • maximum fees payable
Travel & accommodation for family members

What WorkSafe will pay

  • the reasonable travel or accommodation costs up to the maximum statutory allowance of $6,190 to attend a burial or cremation service of a worker held in Australia
  • the reasonable costs of overnight accommodation for the day prior to the service or the day of the service. Additional days may be considered in exceptional circumstances such as air travel delays or cancellations due to inclement weather
  • the reasonable costs of an adult to accompany a minor to a parent Parent of a worker includes a person who has day to day care and control of the worker ’s burial or cremation service when there are no other eligible family members available.

For exampleClosed a single parent and where the child is taken to the service by a godparent.

What WorkSafe will not pay

  • the cost of meals, meal expenses are part of the normal cost of daily living
  • travel or accommodation for family members who normally reside less than 100 kilometres from the place where the burial or cremation service is held
  • travel or accommodation that exceeds the indexed statutory maximum.

See: Medical and like expenses

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